首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >Enhanced recovery protocol after radical cystectomy for bladder cancer

Enhanced recovery protocol after radical cystectomy for bladder cancer


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Purpose Enhanced recovery after surgery protocols aim to improve patient care and decrease complications and hospital stay. We evaluated our enhanced recovery after surgery protocol, focusing on length of stay, early complication and readmission rates after radical cystectomy for bladder cancer. Materials and Methods From May 2012 to July 2013 a perioperative protocol was applied in 126 consecutive patients who underwent open radical cystectomy and urinary diversion. Nonconsenting patients (2), those with previous diversion (2) and prolonged postoperative intubation (3), and those who underwent additional surgery (9) were excluded from study. The protocol focuses on avoiding bowel preparation and nasogastric tube, early feeding, nonnarcotic pain management and the use of cholinergic and μ-opioid antagonists. Outcomes were compared to those in matched controls from our bladder cancer database. Results A total of 110 patients with a median age of 69 years were included in analysis, of whom 68% underwent continent urinary diversion. Of the patients 82% had a bowel movement by postoperative day 2. Median length of stay was 4 days. The 30-day minor and major complication rates were 64% and 14%, respectively. The most common minor complication was anemia requiring transfusion in 19% of patients, urinary tract infection in 13% and dehydration in 10%. The latter 2 complications were the most common etiologies for readmission. The 30-day readmission rate was 21% (23 patients). Patients 75 years old or older had a longer length of stay (5 vs 4 days, p = 0.03) and a higher minor complication rate (72% vs 51%, p = 0.04) than younger patients. Conclusions Our enhanced recovery after surgery protocol expedites bowel function recovery and shortens hospital stay after RC and urinary diversion without an increase in the hospital readmission rates.
机译:目的增强手术协议后的恢复旨在改善患者护理并减少并发症和住院时间。我们评估了手术方案后恢复的提高,重点是膀胱癌根治性膀胱切除术后的住院时间,早期并发症和再入院率。资料与方法从2012年5月至2013年7月,围手术期方案应用于126例行开放性膀胱切除术和尿流改道的患者。未同意的患者(2),先前有转移的患者(2)和术后插管时间较长的患者(3)以及接受了额外手术的患者(9)被排除在研究范围之外。该协议的重点是避免肠准备和鼻胃管,早期喂养,非麻醉性疼痛管理以及胆碱能和μ阿片类拮抗剂的使用。将结果与我们膀胱癌数据库中匹配对照的结果进行比较。结果共纳入110例中位年龄为69岁的患者,其中68%接受了大陆性尿流改道。术后第二天,有82%的患者排便。中位住院时间为4天。 30天的轻度和重度并发症发生率分别为64%和14%。最常见的轻度并发症是需要输血的贫血占19%,尿路感染占13%,脱水占10%。后两种并发症是再次入院的最常见病因。 30天的再入院率为21%(23例患者)。 75岁或以上的患者比年轻患者的住院时间更长(5天比4天,p = 0.03)和较小的并发症发生率更高(72%比51%,p = 0.04)。结论我们手术后恢复的增强加快了肠功能的恢复,并缩短了RC和尿液改道后的住院时间,而没有增加住院率。



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