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A tale of two label changes


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In November 2013, European authorities approved two significant changes to the label for NorLevo 1.5, an emergency contraceptive pill containing 1.5 mg levonorges-trel. The active ingredient in NorLevo 1.5 is identical to EC products available in the United States, such as Plan B One-Step and Next Choice One Dose. These changes are of compelling interest to reproductive health advocates and clinicians; the first is a new description of the product's mechanism of action, and the second is a warning that it may not work for heavier women. Although these changes were approved simultaneously, the evidence base for these two changes differs in substantial ways. We argue that the publicly-available evidence (in the form of peer-reviewed studies) around the mechanism of action of emergency contraception is sufficient to support this label change, while more evidence is desired to clarify the relationship between efficacy and weight.
机译:2013年11月,欧洲当局批准对NorLevo 1.5的标签进行两项重大更改,NorLevo 1.5是一种紧急避孕药,含1.5毫克左炔诺孕酮。 NorLevo 1.5中的活性成分与美国可用的EC产品相同,例如Plan B One-Step和Next Choice One Dose。这些变化引起生殖健康倡导者和临床医生的极大兴趣。第一个是对该产品作用机理的新描述,第二个是警告它可能不适用于较重的女性。尽管同时批准了这些更改,但是这两个更改的证据基础在本质上存在差异。我们认为,围绕紧急避孕作用机制的公开可用证据(以同行评审研究的形式)足以支持这种标签变化,而还需要更多证据来阐明功效与体重之间的关系。



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