首页> 外文期刊>Journal of land, resources & environmental law >Hunters, Oil, Native Americans and Archaeologists: Can Conflicting Interests Co-exist on the 'Most Significant Archaeological Find in North America in 50 Years?'

Hunters, Oil, Native Americans and Archaeologists: Can Conflicting Interests Co-exist on the 'Most Significant Archaeological Find in North America in 50 Years?'

机译:猎人,石油,美洲原住民和考古学家:“ 50年来北美最重要的考古发现”中是否存在利益冲突?

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In 2001, Utah acquired a 4,208 acre parcel of land, with priceless, unexcavated Fremont Indian ruins and artifacts, which had been protected by a private landowner for generations. Archaeologists proclaimed it "the most significant find in North America in fifty years." The property, called Range Creek, is in a remote part of Southern Utah and the artifacts and ruins have been untouched largely because the land has been in private ownership for more than fifty years and the owners, Waldo Wilcox and his family, fiercely protected their privacy and access to the property. However, when the property transitioned from private to public hands, complicated questions of access and management arose. This Note will explore the legal issues surrounding the Range Creek property and will also explore the options for a creative land management solution for this unique parcel. Part I discusses the history of Range Creek and the details of the transfer of the property. Part II discusses the goals and concerns of the various interested parties in Range Creek, first discussing Native American rights to the human remains and cultural artifacts discovered in Range Creek; second addressing the problems surrounding Wilcox's retention of the mineral rights; and third, discussing parties who want access to the property, including hunters, and archaeologists. Finally, the Note concludes with suggestions for a land management plan that both suits the extraordinariness of Range Creek and addresses the goals of the interested parties.
机译:2001年,犹他州获得了一块4,208英亩的土地,上面有无价的,未发掘的弗里蒙特印第安遗迹和文物,这些遗迹一直受到私人土地所有者的保护,世世代代。考古学家称它为“五十年来北美最重要的发现”。该物业名为Range Creek,位于犹他州南部的一个偏远地区,其文物和遗迹一直未受到破坏,这主要是因为该土地已由私人拥有了五十多年,而所有者Waldo Wilcox及其家人对其财产进行了严格的保护。隐私权和财产使用权。但是,当财产从私人手中转到公共手中时,出现了复杂的使用和管理问题。本说明将探讨Range Creek物业周围的法律问题,还将探讨针对此独特地块的创造性土地管理解决方案的选项。第一部分讨论了Range Creek的历史以及财产转让的细节。第二部分讨论了Range Creek中各有关方面的目标和关注点,首先讨论了美洲印第安人对Range Creek中发现的人类遗骸和文物的权利;第二,解决围绕威尔科克斯保留矿权的问题;第三,讨论想要进入该地区的各方,包括猎人和考古学家。最后,《说明》最后提出了一项土地管理计划的建议,该计划既适合Range Creek的特殊性,又解决了有关方面的目标。



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