
Indoor plants


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Over the past few decades the houseplant sector has been a cash cow and most retailers have done little or nothing to market plants other than displaying them on benches. But take a look at retail trends on the continent. For every houseplant sold inthe UK this year, a consumer in Denmark, Norway and Switzerland is likely to buy five. So the potential to grow this market in the UK is huge. At a recent British Ornamental Plant Producers technical conference, delegates heard JZ Flowers commercial manager Joanne Plant say sales of indoor plants are growing, with a 7.2 per cent increase in value and 1.2 per cent in volume over the past year. "Indoor plants are what's driving the market," she added. Many garden centres have a highly subjective and oftennegative view of houseplants, not least because these can represent as little as 2.5 to five per cent of turnover. But think on. At the same conference, HTA market information manager David Denny said although plants are not recession-proof they are "relatively resistant to the economic pressures we've seen".
机译:在过去的几十年中,室内植物一直是摇钱树,除了在长凳上展示植物外,大多数零售商几乎没有做任何事情来推销植物。但是,请看一下非洲大陆的零售趋势。对于英国今年售出的每种室内植物,丹麦,挪威和瑞士的消费者很可能会购买五种。因此,在英国发展这一市场的潜力巨大。在最近的英国观赏植物生产者技术会议上,与会代表听取了JZ Flowers商业经理Joanne Plant的说法,室内植物的销售额正在增长,在过去一年中,室内植物的销售额增长了7.2%,销量增长了1.2%。她补充说:“室内植物是推动市场发展的动力。”许多园艺中心对室内植物有很高的主观性和否定性,尤其是因为它们只占营业额的2.5%至5%。但是想一想。在同一次会议上,HTA市场信息经理David Denny表示,尽管工厂并非抗衰退,但它们“相对抗拒了我们所见过的经济压力”。



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