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China Shale — Bust Not Boom


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Beijing appears to have stopped promoting shale gas as a way to cut pollution and expensive oil and gas imports amid what Chinese geologists say is the harsh realization that the reserve estimates on which the ambitious production targets are based are far too optimistic. A geologist at the Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR), which is in charge of the shale gas program, tells WGI that his ministry and top economic planners at the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) are "very embarrassed" — they know the estimates are exaggerated, but are unwilling to admit it publicly. Unlike the previous government, which talked up domestic development, no one in the new government that took office in March now "wants to mention shale gas," he says.
机译:北京似乎已经停止推广页岩气,以此来减少污染和减少昂贵的石油和天然气进口,而中国地质学家说,这已经使人们意识到,雄心勃勃的生产目标所依据的储量估计值过于乐观了。负责页岩气计划的国土资源部(MLR)的一名地质学家告诉WGI,他的国家发展和改革委员会(NDRC)的部委和高级经济规划师“非常尴尬” —他们知道估计数被夸大了,但不愿意公开承认。他说,与上届政府提倡国内发展的政府不同,新政府中三月份上任的人现在“都不想提及页岩气”。



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