首页> 外文期刊>The World Bank Research Observer >Comment on “Evaluating Recipes for Development Success”: The Policy Usefulness of Institutional and Political Analyses of Development

Comment on “Evaluating Recipes for Development Success”: The Policy Usefulness of Institutional and Political Analyses of Development


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In “Evaluating Recipes for Development Success” Avinash Dixit criticizes recent efforts to identify the “fundamental” causes of development and to distill policy recommendations from these efforts. This comment focuses on the strand of that literature related to institutions and development. Two arguments are important: that the rule of law and the security of property rights are important for growth and that they are the product of political institutions. Professor Dixit argues that identification and other concerns undermine the second argument and inhibit the formulation of policy recommendations. While these concerns are valid, research has begun to disaggregate broad political institutions (democracy and autocracy) and to look at the details of political competition, such as voter information and politician credibility, which are both more robust determinants of political decision-making and more susceptible to policy interventions.
机译:阿维纳什·迪克西特(Avinash Dixit)在“评估发展成功的秘方”中批评了最近为查明发展的“根本”原因并从这些努力中提炼政策建议的努力。这篇评论集中在与制度和发展有关的那部分文献上。有两个论点很重要:法治和产权安全对增长很重要,它们是政治制度的产物。迪克西特教授认为,认同和其他担忧破坏了第二个论点,并阻碍了政策建议的制定。尽管这些担忧是正确的,但研究已经开始分解广泛的政治制度(民主和专制),并着眼于政治竞争的细节,例如选民信息和政客的公信力,它们都是政治决策的更强有力的决定因素,而更多容易受到政策干预。



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