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Comment on 'the mechanisms of rate enhancing and quenching of trichloroethene photodecay in the presence of sensitizer and hydrogen sources'


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Recently, Chu and Choy, referred to as CC in this note, proposed a mechanism explaining the photode-gradation kinetics of trichloroethene (TCE) in the presence of acetone (CC suggested as the photosensiti-zer) and triethylamine, TEA, or Brij 35 (hydrogen sources). CC noted the following kinetic elements around which the mechanism was constructed. (ⅰ) Acetone has an optimal concentration from the perspective of rate enhancements, beyond which higher concentrations inhibit TCE reaction rate by acting as a light filter, (ⅱ) There is a characteristic lag period, the length of which depends on solution pH and acetone concentration, that is followed by fast TCE decay; (ⅲ) Overdosing with the hydrogen source has a quenching effect on TCE decay kinetics.
机译:最近,Chu和Choy(在本说明中称为CC)提出了一种机制,解释了在丙酮(CC建议作为光敏剂)和三乙胺,TEA或Brij 35存在下三氯乙烯(TCE)的光降解动力学。 (氢源)。 CC注意到围绕该机制构建的以下动力学要素。 (ⅰ)从速率提高的角度来看,丙酮具有最佳浓度,超过此浓度,较高的浓度会通过充当滤光片而抑制TCE反应速率。(ⅱ)有一个特征性的滞后期,其持续时间取决于溶液的pH和丙酮集中,然后快速TCE衰减; (ⅲ)过量添加氢源对TCE衰变动力学具有猝灭作用。



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