首页> 外文期刊>URSI Radio Science Bulletin >Fine-scale evaluation of rainfall from TV-sats: A new method for water monitoring and flash flood prevention

Fine-scale evaluation of rainfall from TV-sats: A new method for water monitoring and flash flood prevention


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In this paper we present a method for rebuilding rainfall maps at high resolution (500 m × 500 m, 1 min). This method is based on the assimilation of opportunistic measurements of the attenuation that affects the signals coming from TV satellites in a model of spatiotemporal advection of rainfall fields. At the frequencies used (Ku band), the attenuation affecting the signals in the atmosphere is mainly due to rain. We set a sensor (field analyzer) on the ground, and then measured the mean rainfall over the link. This method was applied to a simulated network of sensors. These simulated sensors were realistically set over the Paris area, on a zone assumed to be typical of an area with high socio-economic issues (flood prevention, water resources management). We compared the simulated rainfall maps with the maps rebuilt by our algorithm. We then showed the feasibility of our approach for measuring the rainfall in urban areas with high resolution.
机译:在本文中,我们提出了一种以高分辨率(500 m×500 m,1分钟)重建降雨图的方法。该方法基于对降雨场的时空平流模型中影响电视卫星信号的衰减的机会测量的同化。在所使用的频率(Ku频段)上,影响大气中信号的衰减主要是由于降雨。我们将传感器(现场分析仪)放在地面上,然后测量链路上的平均降雨量。该方法被应用于传感器的模拟网络。这些模拟传感器实际上是在巴黎地区设置的,该地区被认为是具有高社会经济问题(防洪,水资源管理)的典型地区。我们将模拟的降雨图与通过我们的算法重建的图进行了比较。然后,我们展示了采用高分辨率测量城市地区降雨的方法的可行性。



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