首页> 外文期刊>Tourism management >The influence of face on Chinese tourists' gift purchase behaviour: The moderating role of the gift giver-receiver relationship

The influence of face on Chinese tourists' gift purchase behaviour: The moderating role of the gift giver-receiver relationship


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This study investigated the influence of face as a Chinese cultural value on Chinese outbound group tourists' gift purchase behaviour. Specifically, the study examined how face's impact on gift purchase behaviour is moderated by the gift giver receiver relationship. The results confirmed that self-face concern positively affected gift selection effort, brand orientation, and purchase cost in gift purchase. The type and status aspects of the giver receiver relationship were found to moderate the relationship between face concern and gift purchase behaviour. Self-face concern has a stronger impact on gift purchase for non-family receivers and higher status receivers. The findings suggest that cultural values and social relations in the home society exert influence on tourist behaviours even though tourists are physically away from home. This study also provides valuable practical implications for destinations wishing to better understand the shopping needs of Chinese tourists. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:这项研究调查了作为中国文化价值的面孔对中国出境旅游者的礼物购买行为的影响。具体来说,该研究调查了礼品赠送者与接收者之间的关系如何缓解面部对礼品购买行为的影响。结果证实,自我面子问题对礼物的选择工作,品牌取向和礼物购买中的购买成本有积极影响。发现赠与受赠人关系的类型和状态方面可以缓和面部表情和礼物购买行为之间的关系。面对自我的担忧对非家庭接收者和地位较高的接收者的礼物购买产生更大的影响。研究结果表明,即使游客实际上不在家中,家庭社会中的文化价值观和社会关系也会对游客的行为产生影响。这项研究还为希望更好地了解中国游客购物需求的目的地提供了宝贵的实践意义。 (C)2017 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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