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Present Indicative Politics and Future Perfect Positions: Barack Obama and Third Text

机译:当前的指示性政治和未来的完美立场:巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)和第三文本

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A shift of historic proportions has started to take shape in the Americas with the election of Barack Obama as President of the US in 2008. Revealingly, many of the measures Obama has begun to implement are based on ideas originally supported by Third Text over the last thirty years. It is perhaps not surprising that the most iconic image over the last half-century in the US is Shepard Fairey's 2008 poster HOPE, which features a famous almost Che-like portrait of Obama, now in the National Portrait Gallery, even as the poster was most commonly seen along with graffiti in the streets during the election. Similarly, there is another artist who gained new significance in the US recently: Theodore A Harris, whose anti-imperialist collages in the tradition of John Heartfield present searing critiques of US government policies both at home and abroad. Both artists provide potential clues for glimpsing the future.
机译:随着巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)在2008年当选美国总统,美洲的历史比例转移已初具规模。很明显,奥巴马已开始实施的许多措施都基于第三文本最初支持的观点。三十年也许不足为奇的是,在过去的半个世纪中,美国最具标志性的图像是谢泼德·费尔雷(Shepard Fairey)的2008年海报《希望》(HOPE),其中以著名的近乎车臣般的奥巴马肖像为特色,如今该肖像已经出现在国家肖像画廊中,在选举期间最常见的是街头涂鸦。同样,最近有另一位艺术家在美国获得了新的意义:西奥多·阿里·哈里斯(Theodore A Harris),他的反帝国主义拼贴画以约翰·赫德菲尔德(John Heartfield)的名字提出,对美国在国内外的政府政策提出了批评。两位艺术家都提供了窥见未来的潜在线索。



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