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The immortality faith


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James Clement wanted to know.I turn 50 this year. There's a new creaking in my bones; my skin doesn't snap back the way it used to. It's developed a dull thickness-you can't tickle me at all. My gums are packing it in and retreating toward my jaw. These changes have been gradual or inexplicably sudden, like the day when I could no longer see the typed words that are my profession. Presbyopia, the ophthalmologist told me. Totally normal. You're middle-aged.To Clement, though, my age was great news. "Yep, you are going to live forever," he said. "I think anybody under 50 who does not have a genetic liability will make it to longevity escape velocity." Clement, 63, is a spry man with a shaved head and clear eyes, who spends his days gulping vitamins and trying to figure out how to make people live longer, including himself, his parents, and even me. From a home and several outbuildings in Gainesville, Florida, Clement runs BetterHumans, which he calls the world's "first transhumanist research organization." With funds from wealthy elderly men he knows, he is independently exploring drugs known to extend the healthy life span of rodents. Using a calculator, he extrapolates what a suitable human dose might be, and then finds people who will take them.
机译:詹姆斯克莱特想知道。我今年50岁。我的骨骼里有一个新的吱吱作响;我的皮肤并没有抢回它的习惯。它开发了沉闷的厚度 - 你根本无法挠我。我的牙龈将其包装在爬行并落到我的下巴。这些变化一直逐渐或莫名其妙地突然,就像我再也无法看到我职业的类型的词语一样。眼科医生告诉我老鹰飞。完全正常。你是中年人。然而,克莱门特,我的年龄是很棒的新闻。 “是的,你将永远活着,”他说。 “我认为50岁以下的人没有遗传责任将使长寿逃脱速度。”克莱门特63,是一个带有剃光头和清澈的眼睛的气子男人,他花了他的日子吞咽维生素,并试图弄清楚如何让人们更长时间,包括他自己,他的父母,甚至是我。来自佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔的房屋和几个外建筑,克莱特经营着德国人,他呼吁世界上“第一届战略研究组织”。凭借来自富裕的老年人的资金,他知道,他独立探索已知旨在扩大啮齿动物的健康生活跨度的药物。使用计算器,他推断出合适的人类剂量可能是什么,然后找到将带走的人。



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