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The Art at Digital Branding


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Hiding behind its 1960s style cover is an enjoyable tome that explores a topic that is anything but dated. In The art of digital branding, Ian Cocoran takes you through more than the process of building a Web site; he tells you how to brand yourself through that development. Cocoran explores the art of digital branding that starts with choosing your domain name and moves on to content, positioning promotions, philanthropy, and ultimately to creating an emotionally intelligent Web site. He is deeply committed to sharing the knowledge he has gained while working and writing for www.brand-channel.com by beating the bandwagon to draw timely attention to factors important for success with digital branding. He writes, "Never before has the Internet represented such an opportunity for companies large and small to exploit their online presence by clearly defining their Web proposition and adding value to their brands" (xiii).
机译:隐藏在1960年代风格封面后面的是一本有趣的书,探讨了一个过时的话题。在《数字品牌的艺术》一书中,伊恩·科科伦(Ian Cocoran)带领您完成了构建网站之外的全部过程;他告诉您如何通过这一发展为自己打上烙印。 Cocoran探索数字品牌的艺术,该艺术从选择您的域名开始,然后转向内容,定位促销,慈善事业,最后创建一个具有情感智能的网站。他深信将击败潮流,及时吸引人们关注对数字品牌成功至关重要的因素,从而分享在工作和写作www.brand-channel.com时所获得的知识。他写道:“互联网从来没有像现在这样大大小小公司通过明确定义其网络主张并为其品牌增加价值来利用其在线业务的机会”(十三)。



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