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Preparing for Blended e-Leaming


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The integration of the physical and digital worlds is occurring at a bewildering rate. Many people are choosing the digital domain as their primary source of information (77% of Americans use it as their primary news source) (xv). MySpace has more than 100 million accounts and is growing at 250,000 a day. What is the impact of figures like these for teachers and trainers? What are the educational implications of social computing? These are some of the questions the authors address in this dense, information-rich volume. What exactly is blending? The authors, two British academics, divide blended e-learning (BEL) into four components: 1. Space blend-whether students interact face-to-face or use technology-mediated communication 2. Time blend-synchronous or asynchronous 3. Activity blend-the kinds of tasks involved 4. Media blend-the type of e-tools and resources available Increasingly, blended learning is used to describe a model that combines e-learning and face-to-face approaches. A simple example: electronic handouts before a class meeting, so that the face-to-face meeting can focus more on what it does best.
机译:物理世界和数字世界的融合正在以令人迷惑的速度发生。许多人选择数字域作为他们的主要信息来源(77%的美国人将数字域用作他们的主要新闻来源)(xv)。 MySpace拥有超过1亿个帐户,并且每天以25万的速度增长。像这样的人物对老师和培训师有什么影响?社会计算的教育意义是什么?这些是作者在这个密集的,信息丰富的书卷中解决的一些问题。到底是什么混合?作者是两位英国学者,他们将混合式电子学习(BEL)分为四个部分:1.空间混合-学生是面对面互动还是使用技术介导的交流2.时间混合-同步或异步3.活动混合-涉及的任务类型4.媒体混合-电子工具的类型和可用资源越来越多地,混合学习被用来描述结合了电子学习和面对面方法的模型。一个简单的示例:在课堂会议之前进行电子讲义,以便面对面会议可以将更多精力集中在最擅长的方面。



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