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The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood


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In The Information, James Gleick, rwice a Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award finalist, draws together threads from history, biography, and science to tell the long, many-faceted, story of how we arrived at the modern age, where information has become "the blood, the fuel, the vital principle of our world" (inside left dust cover). Gleick opens at a pivotal moment, 1948 at Bell Labs. The Labs have just invented the transistor, which will revolutionize the hardware side of electronic communication. But, as Gleick tells it, the more significant event is the publication of Claude Shannon's paper, "A Mathematical Theory of Communication." While complex, and mathematically dense, Shannon's paper effectively launched the field of information theory, and soon became a "fulcrum around which the world began to turn" (p. 4).
机译:在《信息》杂志中,詹姆斯·格里克(James Gleick)两次获得普立兹奖和国家图书奖决赛入围者,汇集了历史,传记和科学方面的线索,讲述了漫长而多面的关于我们如何进入现代时代的故事,信息已经成为现代“血液,燃料,我们世界的重要原则”(内部防尘罩)。格里克(Gleick)于1948年在贝尔实验室(Bell Labs)的关键时刻开幕。实验室刚刚发明了晶体管,它将彻底改变电子通信的硬件方面。但是,正如格里克(Gleick)所说,更重要的事件是克劳德·香农(Claude Shannon)的论文“传播的数学理论”的发表。香农的论文虽然复杂且数学上很密集,但却有效地开创了信息理论领域,并很快成为“世界开始转向的支点”(第4页)。



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