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Building Access: Universal Design and the Politics of Disability


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According to Lisa Meloncon (2014), "...TPC [technical professional communication] practitioners and academics have few resources to understand issues related to disability studies and accessibility, and many disability scholars have little to no understanding about TPC and how it can be beneficial to the work they do" (p. 2). However, she further states that both TPC and disability studies have many of the same theoretical grounds, in that they both focus on the construction of disability through the social makeup of disability identity. With this theoretical groundwork comes the concept of accessibility and Meloncon addresses that "When we filter our understanding of disability studies...our attention is drawn to the ways in which technologies enable and include or disable and exclude both users and practice" (p. 5). In this way, scholars can begin to construct the intersections between technology and disability, as well as establish a conversation about "universal design" (a term coined in 1985 by architect Ronald Mace), as Aimi Hamraie does in their 2017 text, Building Access: Universal Design and the Politics of Disability. Hamraie works to analyze the rhetoric behind the concept of Universal Design1 (as it exists in the United States post-ADA), arguing that, "the commonsense refrain 'the world was not designed with disability in mind' is the notion that making built environments is an exercise of power entangled with the politics of knowing" (p. 14). Hamraie's text extends this conversation by interrogating assumptions of the contemporary usage of Universal Design and introducing the idea of "access-knowledge" (a term coined by Hamraie, based on Foucault's theory of "power-knowledge"). Although the text is grounded in design and written from the perspective of a scholar in the Medicine and Health field, technical communicators will be able to recognize the conversation and they, along with designers and instructors, can overall replicate Hamraie's approach to Universal Design.
机译:根据Lisa Meloncon(2014)的说法,“ ... TPC(技术专业交流)的从业者和学者几乎没有资源来了解与残疾研究和可及性相关的问题,而且许多残疾学者对TPC以及如何将其变为现实几乎一无所知。对他们的工作有益”(第2页)。但是,她进一步指出,TPC和残障研究都具有许多相同的理论基础,因为它们都致力于通过残障身份的社会构成来构建残障。有了这一理论基础,可访问性的概念就出现了,而Meloncon指出:“当我们过滤掉对残疾研究的理解后,我们的注意力将集中在技术启用,包括或禁用以及排除用户和实践的方式上”(p。 5)。这样,学者们就可以像Aimi Hamraie在其2017年的著作《 Building Access》中所做的那样,开始构建技术与残疾之间的交叉点,并建立有关“通用设计”的对话(该术语由建筑师Ronald Mace于1985年提出)。 :通用设计与残疾政治。 Hamraie致力于分析通用设计概念1(在美国后ADA中存在的概念)背后的措辞,认为“常识避免'世界并非在设计时考虑到了残疾”是指建造环境是一种与知情政治纠缠在一起的权力运动”(第14页)。 Hamraie的文本通​​过询问对通用设计在当代使用的假设并引入“访问知识”的概念(这是Hamraie提出的,基于福柯的“权力知识”理论)而扩展了这一对话。尽管本文是基于设计的,并且是从医学和健康领域的学者的角度撰写的,但技术交流者将能够识别对话,并且他们与设计师和讲师一起可以全面复制Hamraie的通用设计方法。



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