首页> 外文期刊>Statistical Methods and Applications >A unifying view on some problems in probability and statistics

A unifying view on some problems in probability and statistics


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Abstract Let L be a linear space of real random variables on the measurable space (Ω,A). Conditions for the existence of a probability P on A such that E_p|X| < ∞ and E_P(X) = 0 for all X ∈ L are provided. Such a P may be finitely additive or σ-additive, depending on the problem at hand, and may also be requested to satisfy P ~ P_0 or P (<<) P_0 where P_0 is a reference measure. As a motivation, we note that a plenty of significant issues reduce to the existence of a probability P as above. Among them, we mention de Finetti's coherence principle, equivalent martingale measures, equivalent measures with given marginals, stationary and reversible Markov chains, and compatibility of conditional distributions.
机译:摘要令L为可测空间(Ω,A)上的随机变量的线性空间。 E上存在概率P使得E_p | X |的条件对于所有X∈L,均提供<∞和E_P(X)= 0。根据当前的问题,这样的P可以是有限可加的或σ可加的,也可以要求满足P〜P_0或P(<<)P_0的要求,其中P_0是参考度量。作为动机,我们注意到,许多重大问题都归结为上述概率P的存在。其中,我们提到了de Finetti的相干性原理,等效mar度量,具有给定边际的等效度量,平稳和可逆的马尔可夫链以及条件分布的相容性。



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