首页> 外文期刊>SIGCSE bulletin >Difficulties Teaching Java in CS1 and How We Aim to Solve Them

Difficulties Teaching Java in CS1 and How We Aim to Solve Them


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In 1971 Dijkstra noted that as a teacher of programming he 'feels akin to a teacher of composition at a conservatory. He does not teach his pupils how to compose a particular symphony, he must help his pupils to find their own style and must explain to them what is implied by this'. In similar vein, Don Knuth suggests that 'computer programming is an art, because it applies accumulated knowledge to the world, because it requires skill and ingenuity, and especially because it produces objects of beauty'. Traditionally, most Computer Science programs offer an introductory programming methodology course (CS1). In recent years, many institutions have subjected this course to major changes. One common alteration has been a move from a procedural paradigm to an Object Oriented (OO) paradigm. In many cases, this is manifested as a change to programming in Java. Emerging from this transition is the apparent anomaly that many students fail to understand OOP concepts, especially when required to use them in problem solving. Our panel represents researchers from four different countries who have all encountered such problems with a CS1 course. In this light, the panel focuses on CS1 difficulties and aims to address solutions to the 'Java problem'. Although we bring our own insights to the considered issues, we aim to engage the panel audience in discussing the nature of the problem and the propriety of the proposed solutions.
机译:1971年,迪杰斯特拉(Dijkstra)指出,作为程序设计老师,他的感觉类似于音乐学院的作曲老师。他没有教学生如何创作一种特殊的交响曲,他必须帮助他的学生找到自己的风格,并必须向他们解释这意味着什么。同样,唐·克努斯(Don Knuth)提出“计算机编程是一门艺术,因为它将积累的知识应用于世界,因为它需要技巧和创造力,特别是因为它产生了美丽的物体”。传统上,大多数计算机科学程序都提供入门编程方法论课程(CS1)。近年来,许多机构对该课程进行了重大更改。一种常见的更改是从过程范式向面向对象(OO)范式的转变。在许多情况下,这表现为Java编程的变化。从这种过渡中涌现出来的明显异常现象是,许多学生无法理解OOP概念,尤其是在需要使用它们来解决问题时。我们的小组代表来自四个不同国家的研究人员,他们在CS1课程中都遇到了此类问题。有鉴于此,小组讨论了CS1的困难,旨在解决“ Java问题”的解决方案。尽管我们对所考虑的问题提供了自己的见解,但我们的目标是吸引小组成员讨论问题的性质和建议的解决方案的适当性。



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