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Bat White-nose Syndrome: An Emerging Fungal Pathogen?


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The first evidence of bat white-nose syndrome (WNS) was documented in a photograph taken at Howes Cave, 52 km west of Albany, New York, on 16 February 2006. Since emerging in the northeastern United States, WNS has been confirmed by gross and histologic examinations of bats at 33 sites in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, and Vermont (fig. S1). Current bat population surveys suggest a 2-year population decline in excess of 75% [see supporting online material (SOM) text for further details]. WNS has been characterized as a condition of hibernating bats and was named for the visually striking white fungal growth on muzzles, ears, and/ or wing membranes of affected bats (Fig. 1A).
机译:蝙蝠白鼻综合症(WNS)的第一个证据记录在2006年2月16日在纽约奥尔巴尼以西52公里处的豪斯洞(Howes Cave)拍摄的照片中。自从美国东北部出现以来,WNS已被肉眼证实。在康涅狄格州,马萨诸塞州,纽约和佛蒙特州的33个地点对蝙蝠进行组织学检查(图S1)。当前的蝙蝠种群调查表明,两年来的种群下降幅度超过75%[有关​​更多详细信息,请参见支持的在线材料(SOM)文本]。 WNS的特征是使蝙蝠冬眠,并因其在受影响的蝙蝠的枪口,耳朵和/或翼膜上具有明显的白真菌生长而得名(图1A)。



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