首页> 外文期刊>Romanian journal of information science and technology >The Quantum Relation Principle: Technological Implementation and Real World Application in Intercultural Conflict Detection and Management

The Quantum Relation Principle: Technological Implementation and Real World Application in Intercultural Conflict Detection and Management


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The Quantum Relations Principle (QRP) is a theoretical and practical tool that guides us in building dynamic reality models that can measure the interactions of mutual causality among various observers and can make assumptions about how they may behave and affect each other in the future. The QRP approach redefines common computer intelligence (AI) into a n-dynamic (different dynamics in different frames of reference) and n-dimensional (quantum relational) parallel system, which is much more in tune with the way the human brain works. It has the advantage, however, of running on modern supercomputers, and therefore is highly scalable. In that way, it is poised to vastly outperform the human brain and thus greatly surpass human performance at all levels. QRP systems are ideally suited to model, analyze and offer solutions to very complex real-world problems, including interethnic and intercultural conflicts. The paper discusses a recent example from the Middle East to demonstrate both the predictive and the solution-oriented capabilities of the QRP systems. But similar QRP analytic methods can be applied to conflictive situations in other regions of the world, for example to the modeling of the historically tense relations between Hungarian and Romanian ethnic groups in Transylvania, or more generally, to the very complex intercultural relations in Central and Eastern Europe.
机译:量子关系原理(QRP)是一种理论和实践工具,可指导我们建立动态现实模型,该模型可以测量各个观察者之间的相互因果关系,并可以假设它们将来如何表现和相互影响。 QRP方法将通用计算机智能(AI)重新定义为n动态(在不同参照系中具有不同的动态)和n维(量子关系)并行系统,这与人脑的工作方式更加一致。但是,它具有在现代超级计算机上运行的优势,因此具有很高的可伸缩性。通过这种方式,它有望大大超越人类的大脑,从而在各个层面上大大超过人类的表现。 QRP系统非常适合建模,分析并为非常复杂的现实世界问题(包括种族间和文化间冲突)提供解决方案。本文讨论了中东的一个最近的例子,以演示QRP系统的预测能力和面向解决方案的能力。但是类似的QRP分析方法也可以应用于世界其他地区的冲突局势,例如,对特兰西瓦尼亚的匈牙利人和罗马尼亚人之间的历史紧张关系进行建模,或更笼统地说,适用于中部和西南部非常复杂的跨文化关系东欧洲。



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