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Assessment of public acceptance and willingness to pay for renewable energy sources in Crete


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The aim of this study is to analyse and to evaluate the citizens' public acceptance and willingness to pay (WTP), for Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in Crete. For this purpose a contingent valuation study was conducted, using a double bound dichotomous choice format to elicit people's WTP and factors affecting it. Residents of 1440 households all over Crete were interviewed face-to-face. Major conclusions can be used as a basis for sustainable energy planning, for policies and the formulation of awareness campaigns and for RES investment programs and projects in order to prepare implementation conditions and enhance public acceptance of renewable energy investments and programmes. Mean WTP per household was found to be 16.33€ to be paid quarterly as an additional charge on the electricity bill. Larger willingness to pay was reported by those with high family income and residence size, those having a higher level of energy information and awareness concerning climatic change, those who have invested in some energy saving measures, and those who suffer from more electricity shortages than others.
机译:这项研究的目的是分析和评估公民对克里特岛可再生能源(RES)的公众接受程度和支付意愿(WTP)。为此目的,进行了权变评估研究,使用双重二分法选择格式来得出人们的WTP及其影响因素。克里特岛各地1440户居民面对面地接受了采访。主要结论可以用作可持续能源规划,政策和意识运动的制定以及RES投资计划和项目的基础,以准备实施条件并增强公众对可再生能源投资和计划的接受度。发现每户平均WTP为16.33€,每季度支付电费中的额外费用。家庭收入和居住面积高的人,对能源有更高水平的能源信息和对气候变化的了解的人,投资于某些节能措施的人以及比其他人遭受更多电力短缺的人报告了更大的支付意愿。 。



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