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A Dictionary of World History (3rd edition)


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It is a mammoth task to compile a dictionary which aims to cover the world's history from the evolution of the earliest hominids to the date of compilation, and it may be thought remarkable that any editor would be bold enough to attempt it. The solution, as revealed in the book's preface, is that the information in it has been digested from the numerous historical entries in the Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia. This is the third edition of a work first published in 2000 and previously reviewed in these columns in its second edition (RR 2007/349), and the revisions, naturally, have been mostly concerned with bringing it up to date (i.e. to late 2014). A total of 4,000 articles are provided, varying in length from 1,300 words down to 20 or so. There is no index, but there are numerous cross-references. A total of 25 maps are included, ranging from the campaigns of Alexander the Great to the partition of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This significant feature, however, is mentioned only in small letters at the foot of the title page.
机译:编译一本旨在涵盖从最早的原始人的进化到编译之日的世界历史的字典是一项艰巨的任务,并且可以认为,任何编辑者都会大胆尝试它。正如本书前言所揭示的那样,解决方案是从牛津插图百科全书的众多历史条目中提取出其中的信息。这是2000年首次出版的作品的第三版,之前在其第二版的这些专栏中进行了评论(RR 2007/349),自然,这些修订大多关注的是使其更新(即到2014年底)。 )。共提供了4,000篇文章,篇幅从1300个单词到20个左右不等。没有索引,但是有很多交叉引用。总共包括25张地图,从亚历山大大帝的战役到奥匈帝国的分区。但是,此重要功能仅在标题页底部的小写字母中提及。



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