首页> 外文期刊>第四紀研究 >青森県における縄文時代の遺跡数の変遷



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現在,北海道•北東北の縄文遣跡群の世界遺産登録を目指した活動が進行している.三内丸山遺跡の調査以降,青森県は縄文の遺跡の宝庫として広く認知されるようになったが,三内丸山遺跡ゃ是川遺跡といった著名な遺跡が注目される一方,他県と比べ縄文遺跡が多いのか少ないのか,時期毎の増減はどうなっているのかといった基本情報は必ずしも明確にされないまま,集落論が語られてきた.個々の遺跡の発掘調査データに立脚したミクロな分析の積み上げは確かに重要だが,同時に文化財保護行政資料として作成された遺跡地名表•遺跡地図データを学問の俎上に載せ,マクロな視点からそれぞれの地域の縄文遺跡の特徴を大掴みで把握することも必要であろう.本稿では,青森県遺跡地図情報から時期毎•地域毎の遺跡数を集計し,それと青森県内で検出された竪穴住居跡数の集計情報を重ね合わせた上で,宮城県の遺跡数との比較を行うことにより,縄文時代の遺跡数や人口規模の変遷を検討した.%In this paper, changes in the number of ruins and population during the Jomon Period in Aomori Prefecture are discussed. The number of ruins and pit dwellings were aggregated among periods and areas using the archaeological-site map of Aomori Prefecture posted online. These data were comparison-analyzed with the data from Miyagi Prefecture. From the incipient Jomon to the late stage of the initial Jomon Period, the number of archaeological sites in Miyagi and Aomori Prefectures gradually increased in a similar manner. The number of archaeological sites then remained almost flat from the middle stage of the early Jomon to the early stage of the middle Jomon before increasing rapidly in the late stage of the middle Jomon. Due to low temperatures, the number of archaeological sites drastically decreased in Miyagi Prefecture as well as in the Kanto region during the latter stages of the middle Jomon, and increased in Aomori Prefecture because of the dispersion of large villages, into small villages, although it is highly possible that the population did not change to a large extent from the late stage of the middle Jomon to the late stage of the late Jomon, judging from the total floor space of the pit dwellings excavated. In the final Jomon Period, the number of archaeological sites slightly increased in Miyagi Prefecture as well as in the Kanto region and decreased in Aomori Prefecture, where archaeological sites continued to decrease until the Kofun Period. The Aomori region is generally assumed to have been a prosperous place that gave rise to the Kamegaoka culture, based on studies of remains excavated at archaeological sites such as the Kamegaoka site and the Korekawa-Nakai site, but the findings of my research indicate that the settlement and population of the Aomori region were already declining at the time when Kamegaoka culture flourished in the final Jomon.
机译:目前,正在着手对北海道和东北北部的绳纹仙台遗址的世界遗产进行登记的活动,自对丸内三内山遗址进行调查以来,青森县已被广泛认为是绳纹遗址的宝库。但是,虽然三内丸山遗址和红川遗址等著名遗址引起了人们的关注,但诸如绳文遗址的数量是否超过其他地区,或者它们随着时间的推移如何增加或减少等基本信息并不总是很清楚。的确,基于单个遗址的挖掘和勘测数据进行微观分析的积累很重要,但是与此同时,有必要研究遗址遗址图和作为文化财产保护行政文件创建的遗址图数据。有必要通过大范围地把握绳纹考古遗址的特征,从宏观上把握每个地区的绳纹考古遗址的特征。 ,并叠加了在青森县发现的坑房数量的累积信息,并将其与宫城县的遗址数量进行比较,以检验绳文时期遗址数量和人口规模的变化。%本文通过在线发布的青森县考古现场图,汇总了青森县绳文时期遗址和人口数量的变化,汇总了各个时期和地区的废墟和坑房数量。与宫城县的数据进行比较分析:从初期的绳文到绳文初期初期,宫城县和青森县的考古遗址数量以类似的方式逐渐增加,然后考古遗址的数量几乎保持不变从绳纹早期的中期至绳纹中期的早期,然后在绳纹中期的后期迅速增加,由于气温低,宫城县和关东地区的考古遗址数量急剧减少。尽管在从绳文中期到后期,人口在很大程度上没有发生很大的变化,但由于大村庄分散到小村庄,青森县的土地增加了。从已开挖的坑房的总建筑面积来看,是绳文晚期的一个阶段,在绳文期末,宫城县和关东地区的考古遗址数量略有增加,而青森县则有所减少直到Kofun时期为止遗址一直减少。一般认为青森地区是一个繁荣的地方,产生了Kamegaoka文化。 re,基于对Kamegaoka遗址和Korekawa-Nakai遗址等考古遗址发掘的遗骸的研究,但是我的研究结果表明,Kamegaoka文化在日本兴盛之时,青森地区的定居点和人口已经在减少。最后的绳纹。



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