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The prevalence of arm oedema following treatment for breast cancer


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The prevalence of chronic arm oedema was determined among all 1249 women treated for breast cancer but without tumour recurrence and living and registered in the Worthing District Health Authority area; 1151 women (92%) responded to a validated questionnaire. The mean interval since treatment was 9.5 years. Of 1077 women treated for unilateral breast cancer, 302 (28%) reported arm swelling. There was a significant (p = 0.01) increase in prevalence with time since treatment in patients who received post-operative radiotherapy. Overall, arm oedema was twice as common among women treated by radiotherapy (odds ratio adjusted for type of operation 2.45, 95% Cl 1.86-3.27), and among patients treated by mastectomy compared to lumpectomy (odds ratio adjusted for radiotherapy 2.13, 95% Cl 1.13-4.43). Arm oedema is thus a common complication of breast cancer treatment, and patients should be alerted to this possibility at the time of initial treatment.
机译:在沃辛区卫生局地区登记的所有1249名接受过乳腺癌治疗但没有肿瘤复发和生活的妇女中确定了慢性手臂水肿的患病率。 1151名女性(占92%)回答了经过验证的问卷。自治疗以来的平均间隔为9.5年。在接受单侧乳腺癌治疗的1077名女性中,有302名(28%)报告手臂肿胀。自接受手术后放射治疗的患者治疗以来,患病率随时间显着增加(p = 0.01)。总体而言,接受放射治疗的妇女手臂水肿的发生率是两倍(经手术类型调整的比值比为2.45,95%Cl为1.86-3.27),而经乳房切除术治疗的患者与经乳房切除术相比(经放射疗法调整的比值比为2.13,95%) Cl 1.13-4.43)。因此,手臂水肿是乳腺癌治疗的常见并发症,应在初次治疗时告知患者这种可能性。



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