首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Measurement of the contributions of 1D and 3D pathways to the translocation of a protein along DNA

Measurement of the contributions of 1D and 3D pathways to the translocation of a protein along DNA


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Proteins that act at specific DNA sequences bind DNA randomly and then translocate to the target site. The translocation is often ascribed to the protein sliding along the DNA while maintaining continuous contact with it. Proteins also can move on DNA by multiple cycles of dissociation/reassociation within the same chain. To distinguish these pathways, a strategy was developed to analyze protein motion between DNA sites. The strategy reveals whether the protein maintains contact with the DNA as it transfers from one site to another by sliding or whether it loses contact by a dissociation/reassociation step. In reactions at low salt, the test protein stayed on the DNA as it traveled between sites, but only when the sites were < 50 bp apart. Transfers of > 30 bp at in vivo salt, and over distances of > 50 bp at any salt, always included at least one dissociation step. Hence, for this enzyme, 1D sliding operates only over short distances at low salt, and 3D dissociation/ reassociation is its main mode of translocation.
机译:作用于特定DNA序列的蛋白质随机结合DNA,然后易位至靶位点。易位通常归因于蛋白质沿着DNA滑动同时保持与其连续接触。蛋白质也可以通过同一条链中多个解离/重新结合的循环在DNA上移动。为了区分这些途径,开发了一种策略来分析DNA位点之间的蛋白质运动。该策略揭示了蛋白质在通过滑动从一个位点转移到另一个位点时是否保持与DNA的接触,或者通过解离/重新缔合步骤失去了接触。在低盐反应中,待测蛋白质在两个位点之间移动时会停留在DNA上,但仅当这些位点之间的间隔小于50 bp时才如此。在体内盐中> 30 bp的转移以及在任何盐中> 50 bp的距离转移始终包括至少一个解离步骤。因此,对于这种酶,一维滑动仅在低盐下短距离内起作用,而三维解离/重结合是其易位的主要模式。



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