首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Notch And Kras Reprogram Pancreatic Acinar Cells To Ductal Intraepithelial Neoplasia

Notch And Kras Reprogram Pancreatic Acinar Cells To Ductal Intraepithelial Neoplasia


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Efforts to model pancreatic cancer in mice have focused on mimicking genetic changes found in the human disease, particularly the activating KRAS mutations that occur in pancreatic tumors and their putative precursors, pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN). Although activated mouse Kras mutations induce PanIN lesions similar to those of human, only a small minority of cells that express mutant Kras go on to form PanlNs. The basis for this selective response is unknown, and it is similarly unknown what cell types in the mature pancreas actually contribute to PanlNs. One clue comes from the fact that PanlNs, unlike most cells in the adult pancreas, exhibit active Notch signaling. We hypothesize that Notch, which inhibits differentiation in the embryonic pancreas, contributes to PanIN formation by abrogating the normal differentiation program of tumor-initiating cells. Through conditional expression in the mouse pancreas, we find dramatic synergy between activated Notch and Kras in inducing PanIN formation. Furthermore, we find that Kras activation in mature acinar cells induces PanIN lesions identical to those seen upon ubiquitous Kras activation, and that Notch promotes both initiation and dysplastic progression of these acinar-derived PanlNs, albeit short of invasive adenocarcinoma. At the cellular level, Notch/Kras coactivation promotes rapid reprogramming of acinar cells to a duct-like phe-notype, providing an explanation for how a characteristically ductal tumor can arise from nonductal acinar cells.
机译:在小鼠中建立胰腺癌模型的工作集中在模仿人类疾病中发现的遗传变化,尤其是在胰腺肿瘤及其推定的前体胰腺上皮内瘤变(PanIN)中发生的激活性KRAS突变。尽管激活的小鼠Kras突变诱导的PanIN损伤与人类相似,但只有少数表达突变Kras的细胞继续形成Pan1Ns。这种选择性应答的基础是未知的,同样未知的是,成熟胰腺中的哪些细胞类型实际上对PannNs有贡献。一个线索来自这样的事实,即PanlNs与成年胰腺中的大多数细胞不同,表现出活跃的Notch信号传导。我们假设,Notch抑制胚胎胰腺的分化,通过取消肿瘤起始细胞的正常分化程序来促进PanIN的形成。通过在小鼠胰腺中的条件表达,我们发现激活的Notch和Kras之间在诱导PanIN形成中具有显着的协同作用。此外,我们发现成熟腺泡细胞中的Kras活化诱导的PanIN损伤与无处不在的Kras活化时相同,并且Notch促进这些腺泡衍生的PanlNs的启动和发育异常,尽管没有浸润性腺癌。在细胞水平上,Notch / Kras共激活促进腺泡细胞快速重编程为导管样性型,从而为非导管腺泡细胞如何引起特征性导管肿瘤提供了解释。



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