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Scada Systems: Unknown Connections Could Spell Trouble

机译:Scada Systems:未知的连接可能会引起故障

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The ease with which TCP/IP enables one to connect networks has been a huge boon for the power generation industry. Far-flung operations can be hooked up to the network and controlled remotely. And devices that once required manual adjustment can now be tweaked with the flick of a mouse. The easy flow of information throughout the organization has made nearly every aspect of business more efficient and effective. But easy connectivity is not always desirable, especially the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems that control the vital infrastructure of industrial operations in electric power and other infrastructure systems.
机译:TCP / IP使人们能够轻松连接网络的便利性对于发电行业来说是一大福音。远程操作可以连接到网络并进行远程控制。曾经需要手动调整的设备现在可以通过鼠标轻拂进行调整。整个组织中信息的轻松传递使业务的几乎每个方面都变得越来越高效。但是,并不总是需要容易的连通性,尤其是监督控制和数据采集(SCADA)系统,该系统控制电力和其他基础设施系统中工业运营的重要基础设施。



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