首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery >The radial temperature distribution and effective radial thermal conductivity in bare solid and stranded conductors

The radial temperature distribution and effective radial thermal conductivity in bare solid and stranded conductors


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The radial temperature distribution in monometallic and bimetallic, solid and stranded circular cylindrical conductors is calculated for uniform circumferential temperature, uniform current density, and uniform radial thermal conductivity. An analysis of the radial heat flow in concentric-lay stranded conductors is presented. Parallel heat paths are formed by the asperities and the air gaps at the contacts between crossing wires, and the air voids between wires in adjacent layers. Most of the heat is transferred by conduction through the air gaps and the air voids; there is negligible heat transfer by radiation and convection. It is shown that the temperature difference between layers depends on the number of contacts per unit length and the area of each contact. The latter depends on the radial force, and hence on the tension. The calculated effective radial thermal conductivity for a 61/3.5 mm AAC conductor falls within the range of experimental values. Tests were performed on pairs of crossing, 3.5 mm, hard-drawn aluminum wires to determine the relationships between the radial force per contact, the crossing angle, the apparent area of contact, and the loading duration.
机译:计算出单金属和双金属,实心和绞合圆柱导体中的径向温度分布,以获得均匀的圆周温度,均匀的电流密度和均匀的径向热导率。给出了同心绞合导体中径向热流的分析。平行的热路径是由交叉导线之间的触点处的凹凸和气隙以及相邻层中导线之间的空隙形成的。大部分热量通过气隙和气孔传导传导。通过辐射和对流进行的热传递可以忽略不计。结果表明,层之间的温差取决于每单位长度的触点数量和每个触点的面积。后者取决于径向力,因此取决于张力。对于61 / 3.5 mm AAC导体,计算出的有效径向热导率在实验值范围内。对成对的3.5毫米交叉硬拉铝线进行测试,以确定每次接触的径向力,交叉角,接触的视在面积和负载持续时间之间的关系。



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