首页> 外文期刊>Polish Journal of Environmental Studies >Effects of Various Long-Term Tillage Systems on Some Chemical and Biological Properties of Soil

Effects of Various Long-Term Tillage Systems on Some Chemical and Biological Properties of Soil


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One of the directions of actions limiting the occurrence in soil environments of unfavorable phenomena accompanying conventional tillage is the introduction of reduced tillage, even total abandonment of cultivation operations. The objective of the performed investigation was to compare the impact of conventional tillage, reduced tillage, and no-tillage on some soil chemical (C_(org), total N, pH) and microbiological (total bacterial counts, numbers of oligotrophs, copiotrophs and fungi, activity of dehydrogenases and acid phosphatase) properties. Studies carried out in 2010-12 involved a static field experiment initiated in 1999 at Brody Research Station of Poznan University of Life Science, Poland, in temperate climate, on a soil classified as Albic Luvisols developed on loamy sands overlying loamy material. Analyses were performed on soil samples collected from under winter wheat from two horizons: 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm. In the 0-10 cm layer, the lowest values of almost all analyzed indices (C_(org), total N, total bacterial counts, numbers of oligotrophs, copiotrophs and fungi, as well as the activity of dehydrogenases and acid phosphatase) were determined in conditions of conventional tillage. In the 0-10 cm soil layer, in all years of study, the highest numbers of bacteria were found in conditions of reduced tillage and no-tillage. On the other hand, in the course of the remaining years of study, the most numerous bacterial counts in the 10-20 cm soil layer were determined in conditions of conventional tillage. More interesting conclusions were arrived at following the analysis of soil bacteria after splitting them into oligotrophic. Numbers of oligotrophs in individual experimental combinations were found to be distributed in a way similar to total bacteria counts.
机译:限制土壤环境中常规耕作带来不利现象发生的行动方向之一是减少耕作,甚至完全放弃耕种作业。进行调查的目的是比较传统耕作,减少耕作和免耕对某些土壤化学物质(C_(org),总氮,pH)和微生物学(细菌总数,寡营养菌,食腐菌和真菌,脱氢酶活性和酸性磷酸酶的特性)。 2010-12年进行的研究涉及于1999年在波兰波兹南生命科学大学布罗迪研究站发起的静态试验,该试验在温带气候下,在覆盖有壤土材料的壤土沙上开发出的分类为Albic Luvisols的土壤上。对从两个水平:0-10厘米和10-20厘米的冬小麦下采集的土壤样品进行了分析。在0-10厘米的层中,确定了几乎所有分析指标(C_(org),总氮,总细菌数,寡营养菌,生营养菌和真菌的数量以及脱氢酶和酸性磷酸酶的活性)的最小值。在常规耕作条件下。在所有研究中,在0-10厘米的土壤层中,在减少耕种和免耕的条件下,细菌的数量最高。另一方面,在剩余的研究过程中,在传统耕作条件下确定了10-20厘米土壤层中最多的细菌数。将土壤细菌分解为贫营养菌后,对土壤细菌进行了分析,得出了更有趣的结论。发现单个实验组合中的寡养菌数量以与总细菌数相似的方式分布。



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