首页> 外文期刊>Polish Journal of Environmental Studies >Seasonal Behavior and Spatial Fluctuations of Groundwater Levels in Long-Term Irrigated Agriculture: the Case of a Sugar Estate

Seasonal Behavior and Spatial Fluctuations of Groundwater Levels in Long-Term Irrigated Agriculture: the Case of a Sugar Estate


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This paper presents results on the spatial and temporal fluctuations of the groundwater table depth (GWTD) at Wonji-Shoa Sugar Estate (WSSE). Accordingly, spatial maps of GWTD were produced in a GIS (Arc View 3.3) environment from 35 groundwater monitoring piezometers. Results of the study revealed that WSSE, after nearly 60 years of irrigation, is experiencing a serious waterlogging problem. The groundwater (GW) depth is extremely shallow (<1 m below ground) in most of the piezometers throughout the entire season and showed great spatio-seasonal variability. The rate of annual increment of GW rise, coupled with seasonal fluctuation, has obvious repercussions and grave consequences for the sustainability of WSSE in particular and to the region in general. Unless the potential causes for the rise of GWTD are identified soon and feasible corrective measures for mitigating GW rise are introduced, severe crises in the region are inevitable.
机译:本文介绍了源治-绍阿糖业(WSSE)地下水位深度(GWTD)的时空波动结果。因此,在35个地下水监测测压仪的GIS(Arc View 3.3)环境中绘制了GWTD的空间图。研究结果表明,经过近60年的灌溉,WSSE面临着严重的涝灾问题。在整个季节中,大多数压力计中的地下水(GW)深度都非常浅(低于地下1 m),并且显示出很大的时空季节变化性。 GW的年增长速度,加上季节性波动,对WSSE的可持续性尤其是整个地区的可持续发展具有明显的影响和严重后果。除非尽快找出导致GWTD上升的潜在原因,并采取减轻GW上升的可行纠正措施,否则该地区不可避免地会发生严重危机。



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