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Cross-National Policy Transfer to Developing Countries: Prologue


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Application of principles, methods and techniques of structured policy analysis, regular impact assessments and clearly defined planning frameworks (names vary from policy area to policy area) is relatively common in what are known as Western countries, especially North America, Australia, New Zealand, and Northern Europe. Although political forces come into play in any policy process, the above mentioned countries have adopted the adage that power-play between political and socioeconomic actors should at least be mitigated by aspects of rationality and democracy (Flyvbjerg, 1998). The former is characterized by a serious attempt to solve problems by analytical means, the latter by imbuing interaction processes leading to such problem-solving with a participatory practice. In other words, relevant political and socioeconomic actors should collaborate to systematically make sense of problems and agree on the formulation of policy measures to eliminate these problems. Anglo-Saxon and North-European administrative cultures have been shown to represent values which go a long way in making such structured problem-solving possible, at least in theory. They have embraced linear or monochronic time-conceptions, have a universalistic outlook of rule application, tend to separate societal roles from the people who fulfill these roles and enjoy a relatively small distance between the highly placed and less privileged people in society (Hall, 1983; Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner, 1998; Furubo, Rist, and Sandahl, 2002).
机译:在众所周知的西方国家(尤其是北美,澳大利亚,新西兰),采用结构化政策分析,定期影响评估和明确定义的规划框架(名称因政策区域而异)的原理,方法和技术相对普遍。和北欧。尽管政治力量在任何政策过程中都发挥着作用,但上述国家采用的格言是,政治和社会经济行为者之间的权力发挥至少应通过理性和民主的方面来减轻(Flyvbjerg,1998)。前者的特点是认真尝试通过分析手段解决问题,而后者则通过参与互动过程来引入参与性实践来解决问题。换句话说,相关的政治和社会经济行为者应该合作以系统地理解问题,并商定消除这些问题的政策措施。至少在理论上,盎格鲁-撒克逊人和北欧的行政文化已被证明代表着价值观,这些价值观在使这种结构化的问题解决成为可能的过程中大有帮助。他们接受线性或单时的时间观念,具有普遍适用的规则观,倾向于将社会角色与履行这些角色的人们区分开,并且在社会中地位较高和特权较低的人群之间享有相对较小的距离(Hall,1983年) ; Trompenaars和Hampden-Turner,1998; Furubo,Rist和Sandahl,2002)。



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