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Continuities and Discontinuities Between Humans, Intelligent Machines, and Other Entities


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When it comes to the question of what kind of moral claim an intelligent or autonomous machine might have, one way to answer this is by way of comparison with humans: Is there a fundamental difference between humans and other entities? If so, on what basis, and what are the implications for science and ethics? This question is inherently imprecise, however, because it presupposes that we can readily determine what it means for two types of entities to be sufficiently different-what I will refer to as being "discontinuous". In this paper, I will sketch a formal characterization of what it means for types of entities to be unique with regard to each other. This expands upon Bruce Mazlish's initial formulation of what he terms a continuity between humans and machines, Alan Turing's epistemological approach to the question of machine intelligence, and Sigmund Freud's notion of scientific revolutions dealing blows to the self-esteem of mankind. I will discuss on what basis we should regard entities as (discontinuous, the corresponding moral and scientific implications, as well as an important difference between what I term downgrading and upgrading continuities-a dramatic difference in how two previously discontinuous types of entities might become continuous. All of this will be phrased in terms of which scientific levels of explanation we need to presuppose, in principle or in practice, when we seek to explain a given type of entity. The ultimate purpose is to provide a framework that defines which questions we need to ask if we argue that two types of entities ought (not) to be explained (hence treated) in the same manner, as well as what it takes to reconsider scientific and ethical hierarchies imposed on the natural and artificial world.
机译:关于智能或自主机器可能具有哪种道德主张的问题,一种解决方法是与人类进行比较:人类与其他实体之间是否存在根本差异?如果是这样,在什么基础上以及对科学和伦理学有什么意义?但是,此问题从本质上讲是不精确的,因为它假定我们可以容易地确定两种类型的实体足够不同意味着什么(我将其称为“不连续的”)。在本文中,我将对实体类型之间相互唯一的意义进行形式上的表征。这是在布鲁斯·马兹利什(Bruce Mazlish)最初提出的“人与机器之间的连续性”,艾伦·图灵(Alan Turing)对机器智能问题的认识论方法以及西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)的科学革命概念对人类自尊的打击之后开始的。我将讨论在什么基础上我们应该将实体视为(不连续的,相应的道德和科学含义,以及我所说的降级和升级连续性之间的重要区别-两种先前不连续类型的实体如何变得连续的巨大差异。所有这些将用术语来解释,即当我们试图解释给定类型的实体时,在理论上或在实践中我们需要以哪种科学的解释水平为前提,最终目的是提供一个框架来定义我们所要解决的问题需要问一下我们是否认为应该以相同的方式(不应该对它们)进行两种类型的实体的解释(不再对待),以及重新考虑对自然和人工世界施加的科学和道德等级制度需要采取什么措施。



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