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A cross-cultural study of the translation and adaptation of advertisements for beauty products


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In his now classic study of human behaviour, Abraham Maslow established that human beings are motivated by unsatisfied needs, and that certain lower needs have to be fulfilled before higher needs can be met. Advertising uses this hierarchy of needs to stimulate sales, generate expectations and sell not only products but a way of life. However, uniform advertising strategies do not usually work equally well in all cultural contexts. Consequently, adaptations of body copy rather than literal translations are necessary for commercial success in different cultural contexts. Whereas basic needs are universal, higher-level needs, such as beauty products, tend to be culture-specific, and so this fact constitutes a challenge that writers and translators of advertising texts have to address in deciding what kind of information to include in their messages to ensure maximum impact in each cultural context. This article will examine internet advertisements published in English, Spanish and Russian, making a cross-cultural comparison of the similarities and differences encountered in the three versions of each of five adverts corresponding to different brands and types of product, paying special attention to the quantity and type of information offered to the target audience.
机译:亚伯拉罕·马斯洛(Abraham Maslow)在他现在关于人类行为的经典研究中,确立了人类是由未满足的需求所激励,在满足更高的需求之前必须满足某些更低的需求。广告利用这种需求层次结构来刺激销售,产生期望并不仅销售产品,而且销售一种生活方式。但是,统一的广告策略通常不能在所有文化背景下均能很好地发挥作用。因此,为了在不同文化背景下取得商业上的成功,必须改编正文,而不是直接翻译。基本需求是普遍的,而更高级别的需求(例如美容产品)往往是特定于文化的,因此,这一事实构成了挑战,广告文字的作者和翻译人员在决定要在广告文字中包括哪些信息时必须应对讯息,以确保在每种文化背景下发挥最大的影响。本文将研究以英语,西班牙语和俄语发布的互联网广告,对不同品牌和产品类型的五个广告的三个版本中的三个版本的异同进行跨文化比较,并特别注意数量提供给目标受众的信息的类型和类型。



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