首页> 外文期刊>Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice >Nenets migration in the landscape: impacts of industrial development in Yamal peninsula, Russia

Nenets migration in the landscape: impacts of industrial development in Yamal peninsula, Russia


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Worldwide, traditional pastoralists are facing challenges of industrial development and competitive land use interfering with their nomadic lives. The Yamal peninsula in western Siberia, a homeland of nomadic Nenets reindeer herders, has been subjected to the Bovanenkovo gas field industrial development since the 1980s. We quantitatively assess how industrial development impacts Nenets migration routes and camp sites and discuss implications for their quality of life. In cooperation with herders, we mapped 21 migration routes and followed two reindeer herder brigades for 15 weeks in July 2008 to August 2009, providing insight into both the social and physical challenges facing Nenets herders. Terrain ruggedness, willow cover, migration routes and camp (chum) sites were recorded on 2 × 2 km grid cells on topographic maps. Rugged terrain with willows (31% of the study area), which is land particularly suitable and valuable for reindeer husbandry, contained nearly 61% of all migration routes. All clusters (>8 km2) of rugged terrain were used for grazing, migration and camp sites, reflecting few alternative land opportunities. Many 1- to 3-km narrow passages of such terrain created natural ‘bottlenecks’ for Nenets migrations in the Yamal landscape. These bottlenecks, used by three to six different reindeer brigades, are crucial for the herders, while competition for land with industrial developers within these areas is particularly high. The physical footprint of Bovanenkovo installations is small, but for the three herding units migrating through these bottlenecks, the industrial development resulted in blockage of two out of four possible routes, loss of major grazing areas and subsequent loss of access to at least 18 traditional camp sites and one sacred site along their traditional route. The combined actions of physical and social impacts from industrial development have reduced migration opportunities and the quality and access to natural resources in the herding cycle. This has thus affected the lives and well-being of indigenous herders in Yamal.
机译:在世界范围内,传统的牧民面临着工业发展和竞争性土地使用的挑战,从而干扰了他们的游牧生活。西伯利亚西部的亚马尔半岛是游牧涅涅茨人的驯鹿牧民的故乡,自1980年代以来一直受到Bovanenkovo气田工业的发展。我们定量评估工业发展如何影响涅涅茨人的迁徙路线和营地,并讨论对其生活质量的影响。与牧民合作,我们绘制了21条迁徙路线,并于2008年7月至2009年8月追踪了两个驯鹿牧民旅,历时15周,洞悉了涅涅茨牧民所面临的社会和身体挑战。在地形图的2×2 km网格单元上记录了地形的坚固性,柳树的覆盖范围,迁徙路线和营地(密友)。柳树崎terrain的地形(占研究面积的31%)是特别适合驯鹿饲养的宝贵土地,占所有迁徙路线的近61%。所有崎(不平的地形(> 8 km2)被用于放牧,迁徙和营地,几乎没有替代土地的机会。这种地形的许多1至3公里的狭窄通道为涅涅茨人在亚马尔(Yamal)的迁徙创造了自然的“瓶颈”。这些瓶颈由三到六个不同的驯鹿旅使用,对牧民而言至关重要,而在这些地区与工业开发商的土地竞争尤其激烈。 Bovanenkovo装置的实际占地面积很小,但由于三个牧民单位通过这些瓶颈进行迁移,工业发展导致四条可能路线中的两条被阻塞,失去了主要的放牧区,并随后失去了至少18个传统营地的出入遗址和沿其传统路线的一个神圣遗址。工业发展带来的物质和社会影响的共同作用,减少了放牧周期中的移徙机会,质量和获取自然资源的机会。因此,这影响了亚马尔的土著牧民的生活和福祉。



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