首页> 外文期刊>Nuclear science and engineering >Time series analysis of Monte Carlo fission sources-II: Confidence interval estimation

Time series analysis of Monte Carlo fission sources-II: Confidence interval estimation


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The performances of autoregressive processes and the autoregressive moving average process of order two and one [ARMA (2, 1)] have been investigated concerning the confidence interval estimation in Monte Carlo eigenvalue calculation. Two reasons exist for these model choices. First, the Wold decomposition states that any zero-mean stationary stochastic process can be expressed as the sum of a deterministic process and a moving average process of infinite order. This justifies the application of autoregressive fitting and autoregressive moving average fitting to a centered k-effective series from stationary iteration cycles. Second, ARMA (2, 1) fitting is a logically natural refinement of first-order autoregressive fitting since the noise propagation in iterated source methods can be reduced to an autoregressive moving average model of orders p and p - 1 [ARMA (p, p - 1)]. Numerical results are presented for the "k-effective of the world" problem. The results indicate that ARMA (2, 1) fitting performs much better than the autoregressive fitting of low orders. Also presented are some related theoretical results; MacMillan's formula to confidence limits can be derived from the ARMA (p, p - 1) representation of source distribution; and the multiplicity of higher eigenmodes can make the decay of the autocorrelation of source distribution much different than predicted by the sum of exponential terms. The latter result indicates poor performance that time series methods would exhibit for the confidence interval estimation of the fission rate distribution in the critical reactor with symmetric component placement.
机译:关于蒙特卡洛特征值计算中的置信区间估计,研究了二阶和一阶[ARMA(2,1)]的自回归过程和自回归移动平均过程的性能。这些模型选择存在两个原因。首先,Wold分解表明,任何零均值平稳随机过程都可以表示为确定性过程和无限级移动平均过程的总和。这证明了将自回归拟合和自回归移动平均拟合应用于来自固定迭代周期的中心k有效序列的合理性。其次,ARMA(2,1)拟合是对一阶自回归拟合的逻辑自然改进,因为迭代源方法中的噪声传播可以减少为p和p-1阶的自回归移动平均模型[ARMA(p,p -1)]。给出了关于“世界k-有效”问题的数值结果。结果表明,ARMA(2,1)拟合比低阶自回归拟合要好得多。还介绍了一些相关的理论结果;麦克米伦置信度的公式可以从源分布的ARMA(p,p-1)表示中得出。高阶本征模的多样性可以使源分布自相关的衰减与指数项之和所预测的相差很大。后一个结果表明性能很差,时间序列方法在具有对称组件放置的关键反应堆中,对于裂变速率分布的置信区间估计将表现出优势。



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