首页> 外文期刊>New Review of Film and Television Studies >Labor thought theory: on Frampton and Beller

Labor thought theory: on Frampton and Beller


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In this paper the author considers the return of 'Grand Theory' in light of two recent books, Daniel Frampton's Filmosophy (2006) and Jonathan Beller's The Cinematic Mode of Production (2006). Both books disregard the chastening imperatives of recent film theory and the now decades-long retreat into historicism - a return predicated on calls to modesty and piecemeal research. In its place, Beller and Frampton return, in each their own ways, to consider the possibility of cinema as a form of thinking and labor. Where Frampton idealizes cinema as a thinking machine, Beller views cinema as an extension of capital, looking as a form of labor. Seen together, these books raise serious questions, once again, about cinema and the autonomy of art.
机译:在本文中,作者考虑了最近的两本书,即丹尼尔·弗兰普顿(Daniel Frampton)的《电影学》(Filmosophy)(2006)和乔纳森·贝勒(Jonathan Beller)的《电影的生产方式》(2006)的回归。这两本书都无视最近电影理论的紧要命令和如今长达数十年的历史主义退缩-这种退缩是基于对谦虚和零碎研究的呼吁。贝勒和弗兰普顿以各自的方式取而代之,将电影的可能性视为一种思考和劳动形式。在弗兰普顿(Frampton)将电影理想化为思想机器的地方,贝勒(Beller)将电影视为资本的延伸,看起来是一种劳动形式。在一起看,这些书再次引起了关于电影和艺术自主性的严重问题。



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