首页> 外文期刊>Nature >Dissecting a circuit for olfactory behaviour in Caenorhabditis elegans

Dissecting a circuit for olfactory behaviour in Caenorhabditis elegans


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Although many properties of the nervous system are shared among animals and systems, it is not known whether different neuronal circuits use common strategies to guide behaviour. Here we characterize information processing by Caenorhabditis elegans olfactory neurons (AWC) and interneurons (AIB and AIY) that control food- and odour-evoked behaviours. Using calcium imaging and mutations that affect specific neuronal connections, we show that AWC neurons are activated by odour removal and activate the AIB interneurons through AMPA-type glutamate receptors. The level of calcium in AIB interneurons is elevated for several minutes after odour removal, a neuronal correlate to the prolonged behavioural response to odour withdrawal. The AWC neuron inhibits AIY interneurons through glutamate-gated chloride channels; odour presentation relieves this inhibition and results in activation of AIY interneurons. The opposite regulation of AIY and AIB interneurons generates a coordinated behavioural response. Information processing by this circuit resembles information flow from vertebrate photoreceptors to 'OFF' bipolar and 'ON' bipolar neurons, indicating a conserved or convergent strategy for sensory information processing.
机译:尽管神经系统的许多特性在动物和系统之间是共享的,但尚不清楚不同的神经元回路是否使用共同的策略来指导行为。在这里,我们描述了由秀丽隐杆线虫嗅觉神经元(AWC)和中间神经元(AIB和AIY)来控制食物和异味诱发行为的信息处理特性。使用钙成像和影响特定神经元连接的突变,我们表明AWC神经元被除味激活,并通过AMPA型谷氨酸受体激活AIB中间神经元。去除异味后数分钟,AIB中神经元中的钙水平会升高,这是一种神经元,与对异味消除的延长行为反应有关。 AWC神经元通过谷氨酸门控氯化物通道抑制AIY中间神经元。气味的呈现减轻了这种抑制,并导致了AIY中间神经元的激活。 AIY和AIB中间神经元的相反调节产生协调的行为反应。由该电路进行的信息处理类似于从脊椎动物感光体到“ OFF”双极和“ ON”双极神经元的信息流,这表明了传感信息处理的保守或收敛策略。



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