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Draper-dependent glial phagocytic activity ismediated by Src and Syk family kinase signalling


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The cellular machinery promoting phagocytosis of corpses of apoptotic cells is well conserved from worms to mammals. An important component is the Caenorhabditis elegans engulfment receptor CED-1 (ref. 1) and its Drosophila orthologue, Draper. The CED-1/Draper signalling pathway is also essential for the phagocytosis of other types of 'modified self including necrotic cells, developmentally pruned axons and dendrites~6, and axons undergoing Wallerian degeneration. Here we show that Drosophila Shark, a non-receptor tyrosine kinase similar to mammalian Syk and Zap-70, binds Draper through an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) in the Draper intracellu-lar domain. We show that Shark activity is essential for Draper-mediated signalling events in vivo, including the recruitment of glial membranes to severed axons and the phagocytosis of axonal debris and neuronal cell corpses by glia. We also show that the Src family kinase (SFK) Src42A can markedly increase Draper phos-phorylation and is essential for glial phagocytic activity. We propose that ligand-dependent Draper receptor activation initiates the Src42A-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of Draper, the association of Shark and the activation of the Draper pathway. These Draper-Src42A-Shark interactions are strikingly similar to mammalian immunoreceptor-SFK-Syk signalling events in mammalian myeloid and lymphoid cells. Thus, Draper seems to be an ancient immunoreceptor with an extracellular domain tuned to modified self, and an intracellular domain promoting phagocytosis through an ITAM-domain-SFK-Syk-mediated signalling cascade.
机译:从蠕虫到哺乳动物,保守保护促进凋亡细胞尸体吞噬作用的细胞机制。一个重要组成部分是秀丽隐杆线虫吞噬受体CED-1(参考文献1)及其果蝇直向同源物Draper。 CED-1 / Draper信号转导通路对于吞噬其他类型的'修饰自身'(包括坏死细胞,发育性修剪的轴突和树突〜6,以及经历Wallerian变性的轴突)也至关重要。在这里,我们显示果蝇鲨鱼,一种类似于哺乳动物Syk和Zap-70的非受体酪氨酸激酶,通过Draper胞内域中基于免疫受体酪氨酸的活化基序(ITAM)结合Draper。我们显示鲨鱼的活动对于体内Draper介导的信号转导事件至关重要,包括募集神经胶质膜至切断的轴突和由胶质细胞吞噬的轴突碎片和神经元细胞。我们还显示,Src家族激酶(SFK)Src42A可以显着增加Draper磷酸化作用,对神经胶质吞噬活动至关重要。我们建议依赖配体的Draper受体激活引发Draper的Src42A依赖酪氨酸磷酸化,鲨鱼的关联和Draper途径的激活。这些Draper-Src42A-Shark相互作用与哺乳动物髓样和淋巴样细胞中的哺乳动物免疫受体-SFK-Syk信号转导事件极为相似。因此,Draper似乎是一个古老的免疫受体,其胞外域被调整为修饰的自身,而胞内域则通过ITAM域-SFK-Syk介导的信号级联反应促进吞噬作用。



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