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Colorful displays signal male quality in a tropical anole lizard


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Parasites influence colorful ornaments and their behavioral display in many animal hosts. Because coloration and display behavior are often critical components of communication, variation in these traits may have important implications for individual fitness, yet it remains unclear whether such traits are signals of quality in many taxa. We investigated the association between ectoparasitic mite load and the color and behavioral use of the throat fan (dewlap) by male Anolis brevirostris lizards. We found that heavily parasitized lizards exhibited lower body condition, duller dewlaps, and less frequent dewlap displays than less parasitized individuals. Our results thus suggest that highly parasitized individuals invest less in both ornamental color and behavioral display of that color. Because the two components of the signal simultaneously provide information on male quality, this study provides novel support for the long-standing hypothesis that colorful traits may function as social or sexual signals in reptiles.
机译:寄生虫会影响许多动物宿主中五颜六色的装饰品及其行为的表现。由于颜色和显示行为通常是沟通的关键组成部分,因此这些特征的变异可能对个体适应性具有重要影响,但尚不清楚这些特征是否在许多分类中是质量信号。我们调查了外寄生螨负荷与雄性Anolis brevirostris蜥蜴的颜色和行为(喉咙风扇)之间的关系。我们发现,与被寄生虫少的人相比,被大量寄生虫化的蜥蜴表现出较低的身体状况,较暗的露珠和较少的露露现象。因此,我们的结果表明,高度寄生的个体在装饰色和该色的行为展示上的投入较少。由于信号的两个成分同时提供了有关男性质量的信息,因此本研究为长期存在的假说提供了新颖的支持,即五颜六色的特征可能在爬行动物中充当社交或性信号。



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