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The end of the fat dodo? A new mass estimate for Raphus cucullatus


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A new mass estimate for the dodo (Raphus cucullatus), based on the lengths of the femur, tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsus, is attempted. The obtained mean mass is 10.2 kg, which is less than previous estimates based on other methods, which ranged from 10.6 to 21.1 kg, and much lower than the 50 lbs reported by a seventeenth-century eyewitness. The new estimated mass, which is similar to that of a large wild turkey, seems more realistic than previous ones and supports the hypothesis that contemporary illustrations of extremely fat dodos were either exaggerations, or based on overfed specimens. Pictures of “fat” dodos may also have been based on individuals exhibiting a display behaviour with puffed out feathers.
机译:尝试根据股骨,胫骨tar和骨的长度对渡渡鸟(Raphus cucullatus)进行新的质量估计。所获得的平均质量为10.2千克,这比以前基于其他方法得出的估计值低,范围为10.6至21.1千克,并且远低于17世纪目击者报告的50磅。新的估计质量与大野生火鸡相似,看起来比以前的更为现实,并支持这样的假设:当代对极端肥胖的渡渡鸟的插图要么是夸张的,要么是基于过量的标本。 “胖”渡渡鸟的图片也可能是基于个人表现出来的显示行为而羽毛蓬松。



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