首页> 外文期刊>Natural language & linguistic theory >A Cyclic and Multiple Agree account Personumber marking in Cheyenne

A Cyclic and Multiple Agree account Personumber marking in Cheyenne


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In this paper we propose that probe-goal relations are subject to greater variation than expected, such that both Cyclic Agree and Multiple Agree are possible not only typologically, but also within a single language and a single probe. Cheyenne (Algonquian) has two ways of marking 1st and 2nd person plurality and their conditioning differs between transitives and ditransitives. We propose a hybrid account of agree in order to account for this personumber marking which includes elements of both Cyclic Agree (potentially two probing cycles) and Multiple Agree (multiple simultaneous goals in the first cycle). Evidence against a pure Cyclic Agree account comes from the absence of bleeding effects in transitive forms, which indicates that probing is not always successive cyclic. Evidence against a pure Multiple Agree account comes from the presence of bleeding effects in ditransitive forms, which indicates that all arguments are not always simultaneously probed. Support comes from the properties of other probes in Algonquian and similarities with agreement patterns in other languages, such as Hungarian and Southern Tiwa.
机译:在本文中,我们提出,探测目标的关系比预期的变化更大,这样,不仅在类型上,而且在单一语言和单个探测中,循环同意和多重同意都是可能的。夏安(Algonquian)有两种标记第一人称和第二人称复数的方式,在及物和双及物之间其条件不同。为了解决这个人/数字标记,我们提出了一个同意的混合帐户,其中包括循环同意(可能是两个探测周期)和多重同意(第一个周期中有多个同时目标)的元素。纯循环同意书的证据来自没有传递形式的出血效应,这表明探测并非总是连续的。纯粹的多重同意书的证据来自双传递形式的出血效应的存在,这表明并非总是同时探讨所有论点。支持来自Algonquian的其他探针的属性以及与其他语言(例如匈牙利语和Southern Tiwa)的协议模式的相似性。



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