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Sentiment analysis in textual, visual and multimodal inputs using recurrent neural networks


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Social networking platforms have witnessed tremendous growth of textual, visual, audio, and mix-mode contents for expressing the views or opinions. Henceforth, Sentiment Analysis (SA) and Emotion Detection (ED) of various social networking posts, blogs, and conversation are very useful and informative for mining the right opinions on different issues, entities, or aspects. The various statistical and probabilistic models based on lexical and machine learning approaches have been employed for these tasks. The emphasis was given to the improvement in the contemporary tools, techniques, models, and approaches, are reflected in majority of the literature. With the recent developments in deep neural networks, various deep learning models are being heavily experimented for the accuracy enhancement in the aforementioned tasks. Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and its architectural variants such as Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) comprise an important category of deep neural networks, basically adapted for features extraction in the temporal and sequential inputs. Input to SA and related tasks may be visual, textual, audio, or any combination of these, consisting of an inherent sequentially, we critically investigate the role of sequential deep neural networks in sentiment analysis of multimodal data. Specifically, we present an extensive review over the applicability, challenges, issues, and approaches for textual, visual, and multimodal SA using RNN and its architectural variants.




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