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Resistance to nuclear technology


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A number of years ago I was surprised after a lecture to a local Kiwanis club here in Fredericton, New Brunswick, about various applications of nuclear technology. A minister thanked me because all he was aware of were nuclear weapons and nuclear power. New Brunswick has the Point Lep-reau Nuclear Generating station. I had talked of many nuclear medicine applications, the use of gamma radiation to sterilize spices, extend the shelf life of many foods from strawberries to fish, to chicken, and of course nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers and as a power supply for deep space probes. Many don't realize that nuclear techniques have almost made exploratory surgery disappear in effect allowing physicians to monitor safely the functioning of body organs without cutting us open. Radioactive materials having short half lives are injected and their placement and movement in the body are monitored by sensitive external radiation detectors.
机译:几年前,在新不伦瑞克省弗雷德里克顿的当地奇瓦尼斯俱乐部的一次讲座中,有关核技术的各种应用使我感到惊讶。一位部长感谢我,因为他只知道核武器和核能。新不伦瑞克(New Brunswick)拥有Point Lep-reau核发电站。我曾经谈到过许多核医学的应用,包括使用伽马射线对香料进行灭菌,延长了从草莓到鱼,再到鸡肉的许多食品的保质期,当然还有核潜艇,航空母舰以及作为深空探测器的电源。许多人没有意识到,核技术几乎没有使探索性手术的效果消失,从而使医生能够安全地监视人体器官的功能,而又不会割裂我们。注入半衰期短的放射性物质,并通过灵敏的外部辐射探测器监测它们在体内的放置和移动。



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