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The Large-Scale Modulation of Subtropical Cyclogenesis in the Central and Eastern Pacific Ocean


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An analysis of the composite large-scale circulation associated with periods of enhanced (active) or diminished (inactive) cyclogenesis in the subtropical central and eastern Pacific Ocean is presented. Composites were constructed using surface and tropospheric analyses from the ECMWF Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere (TOGA) dataset for 10 Northern Hemisphere cool seasons (1986-96). Active periods of subtropical cyclogenesis were defined to be periods in which two or more cyclones developed in close succession to each other, while inactive periods were defined to be periods of at least 10-days duration during which no cyclones with a subtropical origin were present in the Pacific basin. The analysis revealed that the occurrence of subtropical cyclones in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean is strongly linked to the strength and location of the Asian jet, with active periods characterized by a weaker, zonally retracted Asian jet while inactive periods are characterized by a stronger, zonally elongated Asian jet. Consideration of the stationary wavenumber, K_s, showed that the strong, zonally elongated jet characterizing inactive periods produced a continuous waveguide across the Pacific basin that severely limited the equatorward propagation of upper-level cyclones into the subtropical Pacific. However, the zonally retracted jet during active periods was associated with a poorly organized, or "leakier," waveguide across the Pacific, which produced a decidedly more favorable situation for the equatorward propagation of upper-level cyclones leaving the exit region of the Asian jet. Outgoing longwave radiation data were used to explore the potential link between anomalous convection in the tropical Pacific and the occurrence of active and inactive periods. A detailed analysis of each active and inactive period revealed that only 55% of the periods were characterized by the theoretically expected distribution of anomalous convection across the tropical Pacific (deemed "correct" and that 30% of the periods were actually characterized by the exact opposite distribution (deemed "incorrect"). During correct active and correct inactive periods, Rossby wave dispersion away from anomalous tropical convection in the central Pacific is associated with an extratropical response resembling the Pacific-North American pattern. Further analysis revealed that the lack of subtropical cyclones during most incorrect inactive periods was associated with a strengthened and zonally elongated Asian jet. The observed broadening and weakening of the Asian jet that occurs during the transition to incorrect active periods suggests that barotropic energy conversions may play an important role in fostering a large-scale environment conducive to the frequent development of subtropical cyclones during incorrect active periods.
机译:提出了与亚热带中太平洋和东太平洋的环生作用增强(活动)或减弱(无效)周期相关的复合大循环的分析。使用ECMWF热带海洋全球大气(TOGA)数据集对北半球10个凉爽季节(1986-96)进行的表面和对流层分析构建了复合材料。亚热带气旋形成的活跃期被定义为两个或更多个旋风彼此紧接发展的时期,而非活跃气旋被定义为至少十天的持续时间,在此期间不存在亚热带起源的气旋。太平洋盆地。分析表明,在太平洋中部和东部,亚热带气旋的发生与亚洲急流的强度和位置密切相关,活跃期的特征是亚洲纬向回缩较弱,而非活跃期的特征是较强,带状拉长的亚洲喷气机。考虑静止波数K_s时,表明非活动期的强带状拉长射流产生了横贯太平洋盆地的连续波导,从而严重限制了高层旋风向赤道向亚热带太平洋的传播。但是,在活跃时期纬向收缩的射流与横跨太平洋的井井有条或“漏水”的波导有关,这为高层旋风的赤道传播带来了绝对有利的局面,离开了亚洲射流的出口区域。 。长期的辐射数据被用于探索热带太平洋对流异常与活跃期和非活跃期之间的潜在联系。对每个活跃期和非活跃期的详细分析显示,只有55%的时期的特征是理论上预期的整个热带太平洋对流异常分布(被认为是“正确的”),而实际上有30%的时期的特征恰好相反分布(被认为是“不正确的”)在正确的有活动和正确的无活动期间,罗斯比波从中太平洋异常热带对流的散布与类似于太平洋-北美模式的温带响应有关,进一步的分析表明缺乏亚热带在最不正确的不活跃时期,气旋与亚洲喷射的增强和区域拉长有关。在向不正确的活跃时期过渡期间,亚洲喷射的观察到的变宽和减弱表明,正压能量转换可能在促进大型的有利于频繁发展的规模环境在不正确的活跃时期内,亚热带气旋进入



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