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Rethinking Polanyi’s Concept of Tacit Knowledge: From Personal Knowing to Imagined Institutions


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Half a century after Michael Polanyi conceptualised ‘the tacit component’ in personal knowing, management studies has reinvented ‘tacit knowledge’—albeit in ways that squander the advantages of Polanyi’s insights and ignore his faith in ‘spiritual reality’. While tacit knowing challenged the absurdities of sheer objectivity, expressed in a ‘perfect language’, it fused rational knowing, based on personal experience, with mystical speculation about an un-experienced ‘external reality’. Faith alone saved Polanyi’s model from solipsism. But Ernst von Glasersfeld’s radical constructivism provides scope to rethink personal tacit knowing with regard to ‘other people’ and the intersubjectively viable construction of ‘experiential reality’. By separating tacit knowing from Polanyi’s metaphysical realism and drawing on Benedict Anderson’s concept of ‘imagined communities’, it is possible to conceptualise ‘imagined institutions’ as the tacit dimension of power that shapes human interaction. Whereas Douglass North claimed institutions could be reduced to rules, imagined institutions are known in ways we cannot tell. Keywords Michael Polanyi - Tacit knowing - Realism - Truth - Radical constructivism - Imagined institutions
机译:在迈克尔·波兰尼(Michael Polanyi)将个人知识中的“隐性成分”概念化后半个世纪,管理学研究已经重塑了“隐性知识”,尽管这种方式浪费了波兰尼的见解的优势,而忽略了他对“精神现实”的信念。隐性知识挑战了以“完美语言”表达的纯粹客观性的荒谬性,但它融合了基于个人经验的理性认识与对无经验的“外部现实”的神秘猜测。仅凭信念,波兰尼的模式就摆脱了唯心主义。但是恩斯特·冯·格拉斯费尔德(Ernst von Glasersfeld)的激进建构主义为重新思考个人对“其他人”以及主观可行的“体验现实”建构的默契提供了空间。通过将默契的知识与波兰尼的形而上的现实主义分开,并利用本尼迪克特·安德森的“想象的社区”概念,可以将“想象的机构”概念化为影响人类互动的隐性权力。道格拉斯·诺斯(Douglass North)声称可以将制度简化为规则,而想象中的制度却以我们无法分辨的方式而闻名。关键词迈克尔·波拉尼-默契-现实主义-真相-激进的建构主义-想象中的机构



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