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Zwischen bellum iustum und modernem Völkerrecht. Überlegungen zum Denken über Krieg und Frieden am Ende des Mittelalters


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Framed by the theories of the bellum iustum (just war) that were completely defined by the end of the thirteenth century, on the one hand/and the formation of the International Law during the sixteenth and seventeenth century, on the other, the fifteenth century is to be considered not only as a period of stagnation. Its contribution can be understood less in terms of originality: Jurists like Juan Lopez da Segovia (1440-1496) and Martino Garati da Lodi (died 1453) repeated more or less what was already elaborated by their predecessors of the fourteenth and thirteenth centuries. Although, at first sight, the praise of war (commendatio belli), composed in 1468 by Rodrigo Sanchez de Arevalo (1404-1470), could be considered »innovative«, as it is the utmost opposition of the pacifist intention of just war theories, it still remains within its historical and intellectual context, for Sanchez de Arevalo merely escalated the scepticism of St. Augustine who argued that perfect peace was possible only in the future reign of Jesus Christ. In this perspective, both moments, the repetition and the escalation of what substantially was already said in former centuries, can be understood as symptoms of a crisis: the theories already elaborated did not fit anymore to the political realities of the end of the late Middle Ages, and new explanations were still out of reach. In retrospect, the experience that just war theories and their explanations did not fit anymore seems to be, besides the impulses set by the discovery of the American continent, one condition for the development of the International Law in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
机译:一方面由斗室的理论(正义战争)构架,一方面,斗室的理论在13世纪末被完全定义;另一方面,国际法的形成则在16世纪和17世纪;另一方面,则是在15世纪不仅被视为停滞期。从独创性上,人们对它的贡献知之甚少:像胡安·洛佩兹·达塞哥维亚(1440-1496)和马蒂诺·加拉蒂·达·洛迪(死于1453年)之类的法学家或多或少地重复了十四,十三世纪的前任所阐述的内容。尽管乍看之下,由罗德里戈·桑切斯·德·阿雷瓦洛(Rodrigo Sanchez de Arevalo,1404-1470年)于1468年提出的对战争的赞美(commendatio belli)可以被认为是“创新的”,因为这是对正义战争理论的和平主义意图的最大反对。 ,它仍然保留在其历史和思想背景中,因为桑切斯·德·阿雷瓦洛只是对圣奥古斯丁的怀疑升级了,后者认为只有在耶稣基督的将来统治下,才能实现完全和平。从这个角度来看,这两个时刻,即重复和不断升级的情况,都可以理解为危机的征兆:已经阐述的理论已经不再适合中世纪后期政治现实时代和新的解释仍然遥不可及。回想起来,除了发现美洲大陆带来的动力外,似乎战争理论及其解释已不再适用的经验似乎是国际法在16世纪和17世纪发展的条件之一。



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