首页> 外文期刊>Micropaleontology >Pliocene and Pleistocene chronostratigraphy and paleoenvironment of the central Arctic Ocean, using deep water agglutinated foraminifera

Pliocene and Pleistocene chronostratigraphy and paleoenvironment of the central Arctic Ocean, using deep water agglutinated foraminifera


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Deep-water agglutinated foraminifera (DWAF) were studied from Cores PS2177-5, Ps2200-5, Ps2212-3 and PS2185-6; from the R/V POLARSTERN ARK-VIII/3 Cruise in the central Arctic Ocean. The sediments were non-calcareous containing a sparse assemblage of eleven DWAF species. A chronostratigraphic framework is presented for Cores PS2200-t and Ps2185-6. Paleoenviron- mental data suggests a bathyal environment (2000-4000m) affected by water masses in the Arctic Ocean. The taxonomy of all of the DWAF found is presented and illustrated. A new species of the Family Trochamminidae; Trochammina lomonosovensis n. Sp. Is de- Scribed and illustrated.
机译:从Core PS2177-5,Ps2200-5,Ps2212-3和PS2185-6研究了深水凝集性有孔虫(DWAF);来自北冰洋中部的R / V POLARSTERN ARK-VIII / 3游轮。沉积物是非钙质的,包含11种DWAF物种的稀疏组合。提出了针对PS2200-t和Ps2185-6岩心的年代地层框架。古环境数据表明,受北冰洋水团影响的海床环境(2000-4000m)。介绍并说明了所有发现的DWAF的分类。 Tro科的新种;罗蒙索夫菌Sp。进行了说明和图示。



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