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The influence of religious coping on the mental health of disabled Iranian war veterans


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This study examined the contribution of religious coping alongside physical function, personal meaning, and social support on the mental health of Iranian veterans. In particular, it was hypothesized that religiosity in a Muslim sample would show associations with well-being independently of other psychological and social variables. A sample of disabled war veterans of the Iran-Iraq was studied (N = 78). Results showed that when physical function, social support, and personal meaning were controlled, religious coping had a significant contribution on mental health indicators including general mental health and PTSD above and beyond other predictors. Of the other predictors investigated only social support make an independent significant contribution to the mental health of veterans. Furthermore, the results demonstrated that participants used positive religious coping strategies more frequently than negative religious coping strategies in coping with their physical disability problems and traumatic experiences
机译:这项研究调查了宗教应对以及身体功能,个人含义和社会支持对伊朗退伍军人心理健康的贡献。特别是,有人假设,穆斯林样本中的宗教信仰会显示出与幸福感的关联,而与其他心理和社会变量无关。研究了伊朗-伊拉克残疾退伍军人的样本(N = 78)。结果表明,在控制身体机能,社会支持和个人含义的情况下,宗教应对对心理健康指标(包括一般心理健康和PTSD)的贡献大大超过其他预测指标。在调查的其他预测变量中,只有社会支持对退伍军人的心理健康做出了独立的重大贡献。此外,结果表明,在应对他们的身体残疾问题和创伤经历方面,参与者使用积极的宗教应对策略要比消极的宗教应对策略更频繁。



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