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Database Paper—The IRI Marketing Data Set

机译:数据库文件— IRI营销数据集

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This paper describes a new data set available to academic researchers (at the following website: http://mktsci.pubs.informs.org). These data are comprised of store sales and consumer panel data for 30 product categories. The store sales data contain 5 years of product sales, pricing, and promotion data for all items sold in 47 U.S. markets. In two U.S. markets, the store level data are supplemented with panel-level purchase data and cover the entire population of stores. Further information is available regarding store characteristics in these markets. We address several potential applications of these data, as well as the access protocol. The data set described in this paper is maintained by IRI. Any fees charged by IRI for the distribution of the data set will be used for the continual maintenance and updating of the data. Scholarships to cover IRI's fees (for those who need it) are available through the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS). Please see the website above for further details.
机译:本文介绍了可供学术研究人员使用的新数据集(在以下网站上:http://mktsci.pubs.informs.org)。这些数据由30种产品类别的商店销售和消费者小组数据组成。商店销售数据包含在47个美国市场上出售的所有商品的5年产品销售,价格和促销数据。在两个美国市场中,商店级别的数据会补充面板级别的购买数据,并覆盖整个商店。有关这些市场中商店特征的更多信息可用。我们解决了这些数据以及访问协议的几种潜在应用。本文描述的数据集由IRI维护。 IRI为分发数据集所收取的任何费用将用于持续维护和更新数据。可以通过INFORMS营销科学协会(ISMS)获得用于支付IRI费用(针对需要者)的奖学金。有关更多详细信息,请参见上面的网站。



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