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Using Open Source Tools to Filter Email on Mac OS X Server

机译:在Mac OS X Server上使用开源工具过滤电子邮件

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If you are a systems administrator, you know that mail servers worldwide are saturated by virus traffic. There are simple, powerful ways to add virus filtering to a Mac OS X Server-based mail server, in order to block, remove, or disable harmful content in incoming and outgoing email. Because Mac OS X Server is a UNIX-based system, there is a wealth of freely-available open-source software that you can download and use, including virus-filtering tools. Keeping your email clean of viruses is always a good idea, especially if you have a heterogeneous network—infected email can be passed through your server to infect machines running other operating systems. With the" tools discussed in this article, keeping your email virus-free is easy, free and customizable. This article steps you through the installation and setup of some widely-used tools: Perl-based Amasvisd-new, Spam Assassin, and ClamAV. There are other, similar open-source tools available, but completing this exercise shows you one way to keep your mail server clean of viruses; you can try other solutions, as well.
机译:如果您是系统管理员,那么您将知道病毒邮件在全球范围内饱和。有简单,强大的方法可以向基于Mac OS X Server的邮件服务器添加病毒过滤功能,以阻止,删除或禁用传入和传出电子邮件中的有害内容。由于Mac OS X Server是基于UNIX的系统,因此可以下载和使用许多免费的开源软件,其中包括病毒过滤工具。保持电子邮件中没有病毒始终是一个好主意,尤其是在您使用异构网络的情况下,受感染的电子邮件可以通过服务器传递,从而感染运行其他操作系统的计算机。使用本文讨论的“”工具,可以轻松,免费和自定义电子邮件的无病毒状态。本文将指导您逐步安装和设置一些广泛使用的工具:基于Perl的Amasvisd-new,Spam Assassin和ClamAV 。还有其他类似的开放源代码工具可用,但是完成本练习将为您提供一种使邮件服务器免受病毒侵扰的方法;您也可以尝试其他解决方案。



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