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A system-theoretical view of EBMT


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According to the system theory of von Bertalanffy (1968), a "system" is an entity that can be distinguished from its environment and that consists of several parts. System theory investigates the role of the parts, their interaction and the relation of the whole with its environment. System theory of the second order examines how an observer relates to the system. This paper traces some of the recent discussion of example-based machine translation (EBMT) and compares a number of EBMT and statistical MT systems. It is found that translation examples are linguistic systems themselves that consist of words, phrases and other constituents. Two properties of Luhmann's (2002) system theory are discussed in this context: EBMT has focussed on the properties of structures suited for translation and the design of their reentry points, and SMT develops connectivity operators which select the most likely continuations of structures. While technically the SMT and EBMT approaches complement each other, the principal distinguishing characteristic results from different sets of values which SMT and EBMT followers prefer.
机译:根据冯·贝塔兰菲(von Bertalanffy,1968)的系统理论,“系统”是一个可以与周围环境区分开的实体,它由几个部分组成。系统理论研究零件的作用,零件之间的相互作用以及整体与环境的关系。二阶系统理论研究了观察者与系统的关系。本文追溯了有关基于示例的机器翻译(EBMT)的最新讨论,并比较了许多EBMT和统计MT系统。发现翻译示例是由词,短语和其他成分组成的语言系统本身。在这种情况下,讨论了Luhmann(2002)系统理论的两个属性:EBMT专注于适用于翻译的结构的属性及其折返点的设计,SMT开发了选择结构最可能延续的连接算子。尽管从技术上说SMT和EBMT方法是相辅相成的,但主要区别特征是SMT和EBMT追随者喜欢的不同价值集。



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